I love seeing the phrase “DERMATOLOGIST TESTED” it just warms my heart knowing that this phrase basically means SAFE for my husband to use.

Bashier suffers from seasonal eczema which is such a challenge. The products that he used last season usually no longer works or works less well this season.

This all-purpose emollient moisturiser for dry skin, eczema and dry skin conditions.It creates a protecting barrier over the skin, decreases moisture loss and assists the skin regeneration process. Pefect for my husband.
Epi-max Man does not contain any artificial colourants and fragrances and can be used as frequently as needed. Safe for my son to use as an all round moisturiser too.

Bashier and my eldest son, Aashiq, who has just turned 18 have tested out this product. Bashier immediately noticed how the moisture of this product penetrate his skin, with someone who suffers from eczema, this was a major plus from his side.
I love the packaging colour of this product, especially the easy pump action nozzle which makes the 450ml go a long way.
More reasons why this product works well for people with eczema:
Helps the skin to retain water (that's why it's excellent for people with eczema)
Moistures dry skin
Eases itching
Reduces scaling
The price is right
It’s so great how this brand caters for my whole family, and is not pricy at all!