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Packing your maternity bag - less is more!

I’ve packed many bags in my lifetime for weekend-away trips, camping trips, business trips, sporting trips out of the city and country, moving and previously 3 nappy bags before this pregnancy.

In anticipation of my twins’ birth, I think the happiest bag I ever wanted to pack was our hospital bags, I mean at week 31 my bags have been packed.

My actual full term due date is 22 August 2018, but because of the twin pregnancy my scheduled C-section is 02 August 2018 when I will be 37 weeks pregnant. 37 weeks is considered full term for twins as there will most likely not be any more space for them to grow.


They say timing is everything—but when it comes to choosing when to pack your hospital bag, the timing is often unpredictable. If a woman has a high risk pregnancy and her OB feels she may go into labor early—for example, an expectant mom of twins ;-)—it is recommended to pack around 31 weeks. In other cases, it is recommended to pack somewhere between 35 and 38 weeks. This way your basics are there should labor begin early and modifications can always be made if needed.

Of course, if you want to get a jump start on things, by all means start earlier—when to pack a hospital bag is up to you! But it’s a good idea not to leave it for later than 38 weeks, you want to have that hospital bag ready to go whenever baby is.


On average, moms who deliver vaginally stay in the hospital for one to two days. If you deliver via c-section, you’d be looking at three or four days. Keep your length of stay in mind as you select what to pack in your hospital bag. Remember less is more, you don’t want a whole lot of unnecessary goodies in your bag, keep it simple, and if you require anything urgently that you may have forgotten, you can always ask a family member to bring it along to the hospital.

Herewith a list to pack for yourself, I have added my favourite brands.

  • Important documents - Medical aid card, hospital authorisation, ID document . This can be saved on your phone or Google drive.

  • Backless slippers. These will be easy to get on and off.

  • 1 set of pyjamas with open front for easy breastfeeding.

  • Socks. Believe it or not, your feet can get cold during labour.

  • Phone charger and ear phones.

  • 2-3 Nursing bras.

  • Breast pads - NUK/Pigeon.

  • Nipple cream - Lasinoh/Medela.

  • 2 packets of maternity pads - Carriwell/Dischem brand.

  • Linen savers - Carriwell.

  • Toiletries.

  • Disposable panties - Clicks brand.

  • A going-home outfit. You'll need loose, comfortable clothes to wear while you're in hospital and for the journey home. It will take a while for your tummy to go down, so you'll need your maternity clothes when you get home. Top tip: wear the same clothing you arrived in.

  • Chewing gum. This may help your digestive system get back to normal after a caesarean.

  • Feeding pillow to give you extra support when breastfeeding - Snuggletime.


The hospital gave me a simple list of items to pack in for the twins. Top tip: stick to this list.

For the twins, they requested that I pack 2 separate bags, 1 for each baby.

Herewith a list to pack for yourself, I have added my favourite brands.

  • Bum cream - Sudocrem.

  • Surgical spirits - Dischem brand.

  • 30 Nappies - Huggies Gold.

  • 1 packet of wet wipes - Johnson & Johnson extra sensitive.

  • 1 Going-home outfit - Woolworths/Keedo.

  • 1 blanket - Keedo.

Additional items I have added.

  • Newborn-sized dummy - Philips Avent.

  • Another going-home outfit - Woolworths.

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